This ensures the JAR is built when executing mvn install or performing a deployment/release. My pom.xml is as below Īnd you run it with mvn clean compile assembly:singleĬompile goal should be added before assembly:single or otherwise the code on your own project is not included.Ĭommonly this goal is tied to a build phase to execute automatically. Just a heads-up, I can connect to the same cluster using SQL Workbench. tProperty('password', password) Ĭonnection = DriverManager.getConnection(redshiftUrl, properties) Properties properties = new Properties() Static final String password = 'xxxxxxx' Ĭlass.forName('41.Driver') Static final String masterUsername = 'xxxxxxx' Static final String redshiftUrl = 'jdbc:redshift://xxxxxxxxx:5439/xxxxxx' I wrote the following code but keep getting an error at line Class.forName import
I wanted to connect and insert data into my Amazon Redshift table using JDBC.